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Micro-Current Therapy (MCT) delivers an extremely low electrical current, similar to the natural electrical current in the body, to the affected pain area. This current can reach injured cells, potentially aiding in their restoration and regeneration and, in this way, may alleviate chronic pain.

The Painmaster MCT technology is founded on the ARNDT–SCHULTZ Law, which posits: "Weak stimuli enhance physiological activity, while very strong stimuli inhibit or abolish it."

How Micro-Current Therapy Works

  • Completely self-contained

  • No electrical sensations (not a TENS device)

  • Operates below the sensory threshold

  • Cumulative effect over time

  • May assist in long-term healing

  • Battery lasts up to 300 hours

  • Can be worn day or night for relief

  • May help reduce reliance on pain medications

Benefits of Painmaster Microcurrent Therapy

Poster of Painmaster and how Microcurrent technology can bring direct pain relief.
Poster of Painmaster and how Microcurrent technology can bring direct pain relief.

Microcurrent Therapy (MCT) and Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) are quite different; they are also used differently.

MCT operates at a level approximately 1000 times lower than TENS, so it cannot be felt by the user. Another important difference is that MCT works at the cellular level to promote cellular regeneration and reduce inflammation. This is how it may assist in pain relief, rather than acting as a pain blocker like TENS or some medication.

With Painmaster, individuals typically wear the product for long sessions, such as all day or all night, for ongoing pain management rather than short-term relief.

Is Micro-Current Therapy the Same as TENS?

The human body operates on electricity. Low levels of electric currents, known as micro-currents, at one-millionth of an ampere, are produced within cells to power bodily functions.

When cells are injured, they resist the body's natural micro-current. This causes the current to bypass the injured area, preventing the delivery of blood, oxygen, and vital nutrients, leading to pain and delayed healing.

A micro-current device acts as an external battery, directing the body's natural micro-current through the injured area. The effectiveness of micro-current therapy lies in its ability to mimic the body's natural current, potentially accelerating the healing process at the cellular level.

Microcurrent's biologically sensitive stimulation compensates for the body's natural electrical current limitations. The human body adheres to the law of electricity, which dictates that electricity follows the path of least resistance. Consequently, its electrical current tends to circumvent an injury or defect rather than passing through it. By regulating cell activity, inflammation diminishes while collagen-producing cells increase. Healthy cell metabolism fosters a healthy, pain-free internal environment.

The Body's Electrical System

Graph showing how inflamed injured cells behave.
Graph showing how inflamed injured cells behave.

Injured cells resist the body's natural electrical current, hindering the supply of blood, oxygen, and vital nutrients (A). Painmaster Microcurrent penetrates the inflamed cells, restoring essential blood supply, eliminating cell waste, and providing direct pain relief (B).

Graph showing how Painmaster works through inflamed cells.
Graph showing how Painmaster works through inflamed cells.
WIreless TENS machine in three different units.
WIreless TENS machine in three different units.
Background in red, grey and white, the colours of Painmaster.

The Painmaster Micro Current Therapy (MCT) Patch was the result of a rigorous four-year research and development process. Since its introduction, Painmaster MCT has revolutionised Micro Current Therapy, delivering a compact product recognised for its outstanding performance and reliability.

This milestone was achieved through collaboration among technology firms, research institutions and advanced manufacturing methods.

The Painmaster MCT currents are precisely calibrated to match the natural electrical exchanges occurring within the body at the cellular level. Unlike other stimulation devices that merely pass over cells, these currents have the unique ability to penetrate the cell. The foundation of Painmaster MCT technology lies in the ARNDT–SCHULTZ Law, which explains that weak stimuli enhance physiological activity, while very strong stimuli inhibit or abolish it.

Some Background

Painmaster name in white.
Painmaster name in white.
Painmaster patches
Painmaster patches

Double-blind studies conducted by LERNER AND KIRSCH demonstrate the impact of MENS (Microcurrent Electrical Neuromuscular Stimulation). Although medical practitioners have long comprehended internal exchanges within the body, the application of this knowledge has been slow to develop.

Advanced medical research has increasingly focused on the electrical dynamics of life. Every living organism comprises individual cells with nuclei possessing positive and negative electrical charges within the surrounding membrane. These cells, along with the body's nervous system, operate with their own direct current and pulsed energy, crucial for sustaining life.

Pain often arises when capillary pores dilate, allowing blood proteins to enter cellular areas, leading to fluid accumulation and inflammation. This chain reaction results from some cells lacking adequate oxygen and nutrients, impairing cellular function.

Understanding this, medical and biological research has shown that proper electrical energy can stimulate and enhance the circulatory system and every cell in the human body. Utilizing Painmaster MCT self-adhesive electro-patches, which emit controlled electrical energy, may significantly alleviate musculoskeletal discomfort by aiding the body's natural healing processes.

Microcurrent therapy facilitates the creation of an optimal self-healing environment within the body. By stimulating an electrical field at the cellular level, it enhances circulation. As blood flows more efficiently through the affected area, oxygen delivery increases, promoting faster, more natural healing.

Microscopic image of connective tissue with cells and capilaries.
Microscopic image of connective tissue with cells and capilaries.
Microscopic image of a neuron.
Microscopic image of a neuron.
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